LeGrange is the new exclusively organic line from gliAironi, born from our research and attention to the best raw materials available.
The first products of this new line are organic cookies which both embrace tradition and also distance themselves from convention by using rice flour (including flour produced from wholegrain black rice). In fact, rice could hardly be missing from the cookies, not only because it enriches their flavour, but also because it gives the pastry a unique texture.
gliAironi have created a modern version of cookies that, thanks to their unique taste produced only with natural and organic ingredients (without preservatives, margarine, colourants or artificial flavors), conjure up the taste and smell of the past. We call them Biscotti da Favola (fairytale cookies), and their story is woven of butter, flour, eggs, sugar and spices.
Territory, tradition, modernity and authenticity are the keywords of this product, whose packaging illustrations are undersigned by artist and gourmet Gianluca Biscalchin: his specially designed herons are a clear reference to the homeland of our company and each heron represents a cookie that it jealously guards inside its beak.